Market Leader in Mobile Communications Strategy

European data centre relocations

Since 2001, our client has helped hundreds of organisations to shape their communications strategy, through service build and integration, on to secure hosting and data analytics.

How we helped

As part of their plan to add further resilience to their IT infrastructure, our client chose to locate new hosting facilities in two German cities – Frankfurt and Munich. With high levels of in-house expertise, they approached Computer Relocations to provide the secure transportation and installation services for their critical hardware. Once the equipment had been installed by CRL, their project manager would visit each site to complete the commissioning process.

Overland Server and SAN Relocation to Frankfurt and Munich

High Levels of Security Including Vehicle Tracking

Devices Pre-configured by Client and Installed by CRL

Close Liaison with Client including Regular Updates

Relocation Completed 12 Hours Ahead of Schedule

22 Servers, 4 SAN, 4 Switches, 2 Firewalls relocated in 34 hours

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Preparing for shipment

Having pre-configured the new devices, they were then labelled and prepared for shipment. The equipment was divided in to our 20U rolling server cases. To avoid any errors each case had been assigned to a specific destination. These were then loaded and secured in preparation for transit in an anonymous vehicle bearing no external reference to CRL or the contents.

Due to the distances involved, an additional level of planning was required. Departing the UK’s Thames Valley mid-morning meant that we would not arrive in Frankfurt until late that evening. Whilst en route the vehicle was not left unattended and secure overnight storage had been arranged. Having previously completed moves to Frankfurt we were aware the city had introduced a low emissions zone in 2012. We obtained a ‘green sticker’ in advance from TUV to ensure we complied with the current regulations.

On arrival at the Equinix colocation facility in Frankfurt, the equipment was transferred to the colocation data hall and racked to the client’s exacting specification. The project manager in the UK was contacted to confirm the installation had been completed and the CRL team then departed for Munich.

The original plan was to deliver the equipment to Equinix’s facility in Munich for secure overnight storage and return the following morning to complete the racking process. Having made good time en route, the CRL team were able to rack the remaining equipment that evening.

Having travelled more than 1600 miles and successfully installed equipment in two secure facilities, the project was completed 12 hours ahead of schedule. The client was given regular updates on the teams progress, and was able to depart for Germany secure in the knowledge that their equipment had arrived safely and was ready to be commissioned.

Andrew did a superb job of preparing the rack, tracing and labelling the cables that made for a very easy reconnection at the datacentre. The team was prompt, flexible and very understanding, especially when power provision at the datacentre was delayed. Computer Relocations was very professional from first contact to the final delivery and I would use them again without hesitation for any future server relocations.

IT Project Manager

E Surv Chartered Surveyors