WEEE Recycling & Secure Data Destruction

Computer Relocations provide a full range of recycling services and we always try to offset the value so there's no cost to you.

How Can We Help?

If you have redundant IT equipment, Computer Relocations can manage its collection and disposal for you.

Redundant assets are transported to a secure facility in unmarked and tracked vehicles.

Every item has their model and serial number recorded before being assigned for certificated data destruction and/or WEEE disposal.

Cost Neutral Service*

Secure nationwide collections

Cable removal and strip-out service

Detailed reporting including Certificates of Data Sanitisation

On & off-site hard disk destruction

Asset tracking throughout the recycling process

Certified & documented to comply with current legislation

Fully compliant WEEE recycling services

For more information about our cost neutral* recycling and data sanitisation services

As criminals employ more sophisticated methods to obtain valuable information, the secure destruction of data is a vital part of protecting your business, staff and clients.

Computer Relocations offer an on or off-site service to physically shred hard disk drives, tapes and other data-bearing assets.

On-site shredding

Using mobile state-of-the-art shredders, the process of physically destroying data-bearing assets can be completed on your premises.

Each item is scanned before being shredded. The model and serial number of every hard drive appears on the final compliance certificate.

We’ve used CRL for a number of moves in the UK and around Europe including cabling and recycling services. They’re professional, reliable and have always been able to accommodate any requirements/requests even at short notice. We’d not perform a data centre move without them.

James Cohen

Technical Operations Director, Affiliate Window

We can help with the secure & responsible disposal of your redundant equipment

For more information and pricing

* Where possible we provide a free service to our clients, offsetting the value of your redundant equipment against our costs. If the residual value does not cover or exceed our costs, we will provide a quotation before you decide if you wish to use our services.